Extension of Diagnosis

The Diagnosis module is used to visualize the information in the service to facilitate troubleshooting and confirm the service status. Kitex defines an interface to register the diagnostic func, and developers can implement this interface to present diagnostic information. Presentation way like: output with log and query display with debug port. The open source version of Kitex does not provide a default extension temporarily, but some information that can be used for diagnosis is registered by default. The developers can also register more information for troubleshooting.

Extension API

// ProbeName is the name of probe.
type ProbeName string

// ProbeFunc is used to get probe data, it is usually a data dump func.
type ProbeFunc func() interface{}

// Service is the interface for debug service.
type Service interface {
   // RegisterProbeFunc is used to register ProbeFunc with probe name
   // ProbeFunc is usually a dump func that to dump info to do problem diagnosis,
   // eg: CBSuite.Dump(), s.RegisterProbeFunc(CircuitInfoKey, cbs.Dump)
   RegisterProbeFunc(ProbeName, ProbeFunc)

Register diagnostic information

// new diagnosisi service
var ds diagnosis.service = NewYourService()

// eg: register dump func to get discovery instances.
ds.RegisterProbeFunc("instances", dr.Dump)

// eg: wrap the config data as probe func, register func to get config info.
ds.RegisterProbeFunc("config_info", diagnosis.WrapAsProbeFunc(config))

Default registered diagnostic information in Kitex

Kitex registers some diagnostic information for troubleshooting by default, as follows:

const (
	// Common
	ChangeEventsKey ProbeName = "events"
	ServiceInfoKey  ProbeName = "service_info"
	OptionsKey      ProbeName = "options"

	// Client
	DestServiceKey ProbeName = "dest_service"
	ConnPoolKey    ProbeName = "conn_pool"
	RetryPolicyKey ProbeName = "retry_policy"

Integrate into Kitex

Specify your own diagnostic service through option: WithDiagnosisService.

// server side
svr := xxxservice.NewServer(handler, server.WithDiagnosisService(yourDiagnosisService))

// client side
cli, err := xxxservice.NewClient(targetService, client.WithDiagnosisService(yourDiagnosisService))

Last modified July 3, 2023 : Update _index.md (f1d978d)