Generic Call
Generic call is typically used for mid-platform services that do not need generated code, and only Thrift generic call is supported currently.
Generic call is typically used for mid-platform services that do not need generated code, and only Thrift generic call is supported currently.
In addition to IDL-defined data structures, Kitex supports additional meta-info transmitting capabilities and interoperability with different frameworks.
SDK Mode(invoker)provides a way to call Kitex server just like a SDK.
RPC is based on the protocol and there is no unified error code specification, so Kitex provides ErrorHandler to customize error handling.
Kitex supports customizing business logic before and after server startup and exit respectively.
Kitex supports custom Proxy routing for unregistered gRPC method calls.
By integrating Frugal, Kitex’s performance can reach about 5 times that of traditional codec methods, and there is no need to generate codec codes in advance.
Kitex supports the xDS protocol and runs in Proxyless mode, managed by the service mesh in unify.
Kitex Profiler provides request-level runtime cost statistic capability.